EBRIDGE1PCTX Altronix Power Supply

IP and PoE/PoE+ over Coax Hardened Transceiver, Powered by Receiver, Distance: up to 100m

  • Finish:
  • Series: Altronix Accessories and Components
  • Type: Power Supplies and Transformers
  • Sub Type: Power Supply

The eBridge1PCTX is a CAT5 to Coax cable Ethernet adapter that delivers data and power over the coax cable in a PoE compliant format. The transceiver enables fast 10/100Base-T Ethernet digital communication to be transmitted over Coax cable. An eBridge1PCRX, eBridge4PCRX, eBridge8PCRX or eBridge16PCRX receiver sends power over the coax to the eBridge1PCTX transmitter under PoE protocol. The eBridge1PCTX in turn delivers that PoE compliant power to a PoE enabled camera or IP device. These plug and play units facilitate system upgrades from analog to IP cameras/devices utilizing existing legacy Coax and eliminating the costs and labor associated with installing new network cabling. In addition, data transmission and power over the Coax is possible up to 457m in comparison to 100m Ethernet maximum distance. A maximum range from headend to the PoE camera/device is 610m, taking into consideration that up to 100m of structured cable may be deployed at each end.


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